Archive for Technical Difficulties

“Fun” with geeky web tech stuff

You can’t read this but it was fun to write in the thick of things.

This website has been hosted as a free blog by since its inception. I have no regrets about the decision to make a blog function as a regular website. Many, many people all around the globe are doing just that. The domain name would have had “…” at the tail end of the domain name if not for domain mapping, an advanced premium upgrade available through The vast majority of site visitors were none the wiser.

In fact, I’ve enjoyed using WordPress enough to continue using it, albeit with a new WordPress theme with a new look and feel. Migration to a new website has to occur in two phases, for better or worse. I don’t have much choice about that. I’ve paid for hosting through and I would transfer the website files to its servers but I’m waiting on, which is currently not allowing new account creation while the developers are combating spammers. Who knows how much longer that’s going to take?

The first theme, Econic, was available at no cost. The second theme will cost a modest amount but for the increased functionality, search engine friendliness, and the sleek look and feel, it’s worth it.  I can hardly wait to unleash the new online iteration of Urban/Suburban Ecoliteracy. Visitors can look forward to more video content, downloadable white papers, and more frequent posts. There’s quite a backlog of subjects to cover.

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